This section offers a wide variety of reading materials about all kinds of mammals. Ther, This is a comprehensive power point that will teach your Junior scientist all about mammals!Includes:-Definition of a mammal with interactive check points for:*Mammals have fur or hair*Mammals are warm blooded*Mammals are Vertebrates*Plus 3 actual x-rays of mammals! -carnivore Worksheets include a cloze paragraph page, matching, true/false, definitions, and drawings. Kids will learn all about mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians, and fish. You can also learn about the five main groups of vertebrate animals -fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals-that are a little more familiar to most of us. All About Mammals Worksheet 2,791 Visits This mammals worksheet will help kids learn some of the common characteristics of mammals. Two of the largest kinds of animals are reptiles and mammals . All About Mammals Pg 2 . Category: Reading Comprehension Answer Questions about Text This worksheet is effective at keeping the students listening, engag, This resource includes worksheets, activities, review pages and a test over eight mammals. A wordsearch and pictionary based on mammals vocabulary with key included. -mammary gland It can be given at the e, This is a worksheet intended to be done while watching Bill Nye's Marine Mammals video (season 4, episode 3). Read or listen to the text about mammals. These simple, yet thorough free worksheets are a wonderful tool for grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, and grade 6 students who love learning about different animals. Kangaroos (Short Reader; Grades 3-6 Readability), The Wombat (Short Reader; Grades 3-6 Readability), Dall Sheep (Short Reader; Grades 4-5 Readability), Bighorn Sheep (Short Reader; Grades 4-5 Readability), Mountain Goats (Short Reader; Grades 4-5 Readability), Narwhals (Short Reader; Grades 4-5 Readability), Aye-ayes (Short Reader; Grades 4-5 Readability), Geladas (Short Reader; Grades 4-5 Readability), Don't Worry About That Dorsal Fin! Leave your suggestions or comments about edHelper. ), Also included in: Animal Classes Reading Comprehension Bundle Animal Groups Types of Animals, Also included in: Bill Nye LIFE SCIENCE Part 1 BUNDLE, Video Guides, Sub Plans, Worksheets, Also included in: Ultimate Science Boom Cards, Worksheets and Digital Lessons Bundle. The bundle includes a resource with a lesson plan, photos, a worksheet and a poster. This pack includes 10 pages of worksheets and flashcards that can go along with instruction on animal classifications (mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, amphibians, arthropods). This video can be found on YouTube if you don't have a copy of the DVD. Download invertebrate reading comprehension articles, word mazes, a sorting activity, and a scavenger hunt. (Very Quick Reader; Grades 3-4 Readability), The Polar Bear (Very Quick Reader; Grades 2-5 Readability), The Zebra (Very Quick Reader; Grades 2-5 Readability), The Giant Panda (Very Quick Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), Hawaiian Monk Seals (Very Quick Reader; Grades 3-6 Readability), Siberian Tigers (Very Quick Reader; Grades 3-6 Readability), Toothy Tusks (Very Quick Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability), Beluga Whales (Very Quick Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability), Talk About A Tongue! The Video Questions Worksheet is effective at keeping the students listening, engaged and taking good notes during the video. Types of Mammals: These worksheets correspond with several of the mammals that are covered in the Mammals episode in the Life series on the Discovery Channel. Though you would need a magnifying glass to see the fine hair on the lips of a young whale. Level: elementary Age: 7-17 Type: reading Animal Groups-Mammals (1-5) I have designed sheets for all animal groups (Mammals, insects, fish, birds, reptiles, and amphibians). Moles live under the ground. (Short Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability), Porcupines (Short Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability), Hoary Marmots (Short Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability), Lemmings (Short Reader; Grades 5-6 Readability), Platypus (Short Reader; Grades 5-6 Readability), Giant Anteaters (Short Reader; Grades 5-6 Readability), Pikas (Short Reader; Grades 5-6 Readability), Marine Mammals (Short Reader; Grades 5-6 Readability), Capybaras (Short Reader; Grades 5-6 Readability), Okapis (Short Reader; Grades 5-6 Readability), The Wolf (Short Reader; Grades 5-7 Readability), Tasmanian Devils (Short Reader; Grades 5-7 Readability), Jackals (Short Reader; Grades 5-7 Readability), Bengal Tigers (Short Reader; Grades 6-8 Readability), ¿Cómo se mantienen calientes las morsas? Science: Living Things and Their Habitats Year 5 Unit Pack. Climbing Mammals You may also like. Used under license from PPT, Riddle game, and 2 Worksheets! Upgrade Account. The largest mammal, the blue whale, lives in the sea, and it is larger even than the dinosaurs. (grades 2-4), Jack y Jill saltaron en la colina. The extra animals are: octopus, butterfly, eagle, jellyfish, ant, eel, and dinosaur. 3rd Grade. There are three versions of this worksheet. See more of our fun and FREE pre k worksheets! It's like a trip to the zoo without leaving the classroom. Fur and fat help protect mammals who live in the cold. Marine Mammals (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), The Fennec Fox (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), Jerboas (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), Are You a Gorilla? (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), Kinkajous (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), Snow Leopard (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), Koala (Not!) Students are engaged during the video as they must listen AND write at, This little set of worksheets will help your class review the different types of Mammals. Shows resources that can work for all subjects areas, This animal parts worksheet set will allow students to demonstrate what they know about the parts that animal have. Todo acerca los Canguros Rojos (grades 3-4), Sigue al líder... ¡como el lobo blanco! '); Students are engaged during the video as they must listen AND write at the same time; definitely an important skill for students to master. Animal Habitat Differentiated Fact File Worksheets - 13. Some mammals walk on all four legs such as lions and cheetahs. This resource includes worksheets, activities, review pages and a test over eight mammals. Marine mammal lesson plans and worksheets from thousands of teacher-reviewed resources to help you inspire students learning. All About Reptiles. (Very Quick Reader; Grades 5-6 Readability), Howler Monkeys (Very Quick Reader; Grades 5-7 Readability), Spider Monkeys (Very Quick Reader; Grades 5-7 Readability), The Florida Panther (Very Quick Reader; Grades 6-8 Readability), Slow and Steady--The Sloth (Short Reader; Grades 1-2 Readability), What Can a Horse Tail Tell You? There are two pages over each animal and another page for students to color, cut and glue onto a larg It also goes over the different categories of mammals. (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), Bats...Helpful or Harmful? Some of the worksheets below are Free Mammals Worksheets, Physical characteristics of Mammals, Marine Mammals, and Pinnipeds, Mammal Scavenger Hunt Activity for kindergarten, Important Glossary about Mammals with printable flashcards, …. Mammals sweat or pant to release extra heat if … There are three versions of this worksheet. Students will look at the animals, cut out the words and paste them next to the correct part of the animal's body. All mammals have fur or hair. (Short Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability), Gorillas (Short Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability), Orangutans (Short Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability), Capybaras and Their "Digestive Do-overs" (Short Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability), Kangaroo Rats (Short Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability), Key Deer (Short Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability), Dorcas Gazelles (Short Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability), Raccoons (Short Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability), Raccoon Paws: What Handy Hands! Finish the Patterns – Cut out and paste the answer in the correct spot. KS2 All about British Mammals Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity - Australian Animals Years 3-6 Mammals Word Search. PrimaryLeap has introduced a new interactive learning platform and would like to offer you a completely Free Upgrade. ), Mammals No Prep Lesson with Power Point, Worksheet, and Theories Activity, Eyewitness Video Series - MAMMALS Video Worksheet (Movie Guide), Types of Mammals. Read about the marsupials, mammals with pouches, and strange, egg-laying mammals like the platypus and the echidna. Both versions include keys. *Mammals give milk to their young*. ID: 5048 Language: English School subject: Natural Science Grade/level: Grade 2 Age: 6-10 Main content: Mammals Other contents: mammal characteristics Add to my workbooks (17) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom BBC Life - MAMMALS - Video Questions Worksheet {Editable}, BBC Life - All 10 Episodes - Video Questions Worksheets Bundle {Editable}, Mammals Worksheets Activities Review Sheet Test, Bill Nye the Science Guy : MAMMALS (animal video worksheet), Bill Nye the Science Guy : ANIMALS Set 1 (6 video worksheets mini bundle), BBC Life - MAMMALS - Video Worksheet & Quiz Combo {Editable}, BBC Life - All 10 Episodes - Video Worksheets & Video Quizzes Bundle {Editable}, Video Worksheet (Movie Guide) for Bill Nye - Mammals, Complete Set Bundle of Video Worksheets (Movie Guides) for Bill Nye Videos, Mammal Review Worksheet for Biology & Zoology (Paper Copy & Online Version), Mammal Unit Bundle (Monotremes, Marsupials, Placental Mammals), Bill Nye the Science Guy : MARINE MAMMALS (animals video worksheet), BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY - SUPER BUNDLE (WORKSHEETS FOR EVERY EPISODE! (Grades 3-5), Unusual Mammals: Marsupials and Monotremes (Grades 4-9), Armadillos: Mammals with Armor (Grades 2-4), Squirrels - Basics of Squirrels (Grades 4-7), Squirrels - Types of Squirrels (Grades 3-6), ¿Los animales tienen ombligo? Mammals For Kids Worksheets 23677 in Best Kids Worksheets. Mammals are a very diverse group of animals that are found on land, in the sea, and in the air. It shows a picture of a bear and some simple facts and kids have to figure out which are true. They include flies, mosquitoes, spiders, worms, corals, sponges, and so many more. •Lesson 20.1: Mammalian Traits •Lesson 20.2: Reproduction in Mammals •Lesson 20.3: Evolution and Classification of Mammals •Lesson 20.4: Overview of Animal Behavior 500 The thi, This is a worksheet intended to be done while watching Bill Nye's Mammals video (season 3, episode 13). Word-Maze Puzzles. The Video Quiz provides a quick and easy assess, These video worksheets allow students to follow along as they watch the listed Bill Nye video. It's a barnyard menagerie of animals. The first is a mostly short answer version. (Grades 4-5), What Is This Mystery Animal? We value your privacy and promise never to send you spam; you can unsubscribe at anytime. (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), Skunks (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), The Quiet King of the Jungle (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), African Elephants (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), Timber Wolf (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), Why Do Wolves Howl? These pages, This passage gives a brief overview of mammals. This features worksheets geared as extension activities for the animal classification curriculum I have posted. Watching a video is no longer a passive activity!! (grades 4-6), Los carpinchos y sus "repeticiones digestivas" (grades 4-6), Do Animals Have Bellybuttons? Even mammals that swim under the water (like dolphins and whales) have hair. (grades 3-5), Animals that Live on the Farm: Pigs (Grades 2-3), What Do You Know About Polar Bears? Mammals For Kids Worksheets was created by combining each of gallery on Kids Worksheets, Kids Worksheets is match and guidelines that suggested for you, for enthusiasm about you search. Review Worksheets & Mammal Report Form, Mammals Word Search and Printable Vocabulary Puzzle Worksheets, Mammals Informational Text Reading Comprehension Worksheet Animal Groups, Animal Classes Reading Comprehension Bundle Animal Groups Types of Animals, Bill Nye MAMMALS Video Guide, Quiz, Sub Plan, Worksheets, No Prep Lesson, Bill Nye LIFE SCIENCE Part 1 BUNDLE, Video Guides, Sub Plans, Worksheets, Mammals Bundle - Lesson Plan, Photos, Worksheets and Activities, Animal Classification- Mammals Worksheets, Ultimate Science Boom Cards, Worksheets and Digital Lessons Bundle, "Life" (The Discovery Series) Mammals Worksheets, Bill Nye MARINE MAMMALS Video Guide, Quiz, Sub Plan, Worksheets, No Prep Lesson. Mammals are animals that share several different properties. Did you know that you are a mammal? They’ve grown up learning animals sounds, and loving animals like snakes, alligators, bunnies, and bears. This product includes:Mammals It includes reading and comprehension question, This is part of a 20-Episode Bundle:Bill Nye LIFE SCIENCE Part 1 BUNDLE (SAVE 35%)This is a PowerPoint presentation, video guide worksheet/quiz, and KWL chart for:Bill Nye the Science Guy: MARINE MAMMALSThis product includes:-PowerPoint Presentation-KWL Chart-Video Guide Worksheet-Answer KeyFREE SAM, Animal Parts Cut & Paste Worksheet Set (Mammal, Fish, Reptile, Amphibian, Bird). Camels live in hot areas. Reptile is a classification of animals. Below each mammal, write its name. Watching a video is no longer a passive activity!! The first is a mostly short answer version. SLoad(S); One of the smallest mammals in the world is the bumblebee bat that flies with tiny wings. -vertebrate Animal Classification Worksheets. Pigs are mammals, just like us. They are good for covering material that will be included in the episode to gain prior knowledge before viewing. The most difficult part for me was finding similar-formatted passages for my students so that they were all at the same level and contained the same amount of information. Some mammals can be tiny like a bat or huge like a whale. -endotherm -omnivore Use these free, printable animal classification worksheets for kids to practice cutting and pasting as well as learning about the different types of animals and how they are classified. Pouched Mammals, This set of word search, secret code and word scramble worksheet printables features phrases and terms relating to mammals. (Grades 5-6), Worst Case Scenario Survival Guide: Bear Attack (Grades 4-5), Mammal Traits: Compares three polar residents (Grades 3-4), Sheep Traits: Compares three similar mountain-dwelling mammals (Grades 3-4), Ape Traits: Compares two great apes (Grades 5-6), Mammal Traits: Compares two similar home-building mammals (Grades 5-6), Big Cat Traits: Compares prehistoric big cats with modern day tigers (Grades 3-4), Kangaroo Traits: Compares ancient and modern kangaroos (Grades 3-4), Large Animal Traits: Compares the two animals who vie for the title of second largest land animal. Bats live in caves and fly in the air. -monotreme, This video worksheet allows students to follow along as they watch the Eyewitness video titled Mammals. September 18, 2020. Each video, Your purchase includes an editable 2-page Worksheet and 2-page Teacher Answer Key (in both .docx and .pdf format), as well as links to a Google Doc with the same questions and a link to an interactive crossword so this activity can be completed entirely online if desired.The Mammal Review Worksheet, *Video is needed for completion of this product*Please make sure you have access to the video prior to making your purchase*This worksheet can be used to accompany the Bill Nye video MARINE MAMMALS (Season 4, Episode 3).The worksheet has a series of questions that help students stay focused on vario, This lesson goes over the different characteristics of mammals. Level: elementary Age: 6-17 Type: worksheet Mammals Enjoy! } Animal groups include mammal, bird, fish, reptile and amphibian. This makes a fun activity for science centers, journals or as a class activity.❤ CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW GREEN APPLE LESSONS! Miraculous Mammals! Jul 7, 2019 - This mammals worksheet will help kids learn some of the basic facts about mammals. 24 EPIC Solar System Projects. Mammals All About Mammals ID: 509424 Language: English School subject: Science Grade/level: 1st-2nd year infants Age: 5-7 Main content: Animals ... More Animals interactive worksheets. Polar bears live in very cold areas. ; Coloring Activity – Color in the object using the color listed below. The mammals are monkey, rabbit, elk, weasel, whale, bat, goat, ox, gorilla, elephant. There are two pages over each animal and another page for students to color, cut and glue onto a larg, *Video is needed for completion of this product*Please make sure you have access to the video prior to making your purchaseThis worksheet can be used to accompany the Bill Nye video MAMMALS (Season 3, Episode 13).The worksheet has 16 questions that help students stay focused on various science facts, This combo contains a two page Editable Video Question Worksheet, a one page Editable Video Quiz and Answer Keys for both. There is also a Mammal Report Form included!! I've included a color and black and white version, as well as a key.The ZIP file has a PDF student version for posting on personal sites, such as Google classroom, This is part of a 20-Episode Bundle:Bill Nye LIFE SCIENCE Part 1 BUNDLE (SAVE 35%)This is a PowerPoint presentation, video guide worksheet/quiz, and KWL chart for:Bill Nye the Science Guy: MAMMALSThis product includes:-PowerPoint Presentation-KWL Chart-Video Guide Worksheet-Answer KeyFREE SAMPLEFor, This bundle includes 2 resources to help you with your unit on the characteristics of Mammals. Sometimes it's long hair covers their entire body Sometimes it's very short hair or there are just a few strands. They have an extraordinary sense of smell. (Very Quick Reader; Grades 2-4 Readability), Hippity, Hoppity, Hide and Go Seek (Very Quick Reader; Grades 2-4 Readability), Hungry, Hungry, Hippos (Very Quick Reader; Grades 2-4 Readability), Follow the Leader...Arctic Wolf Style! Hoofed Mammals The second is a fill in the blank version with optional word bank. Reptiles and Mammals - There are several types of animals that can be found all over the world. Also included in: Animal Categories Bundle, Also included in: BBC Life - All 10 Episodes - Video Questions Worksheets Bundle {Editable}, Also included in: Bill Nye the Science Guy : ANIMALS Set 1 (6 video worksheets mini bundle), Also included in: BBC Life - All 10 Episodes - Video Worksheets & Video Quizzes Bundle {Editable}, Also included in: Complete Set Bundle of Video Worksheets (Movie Guides) for Bill Nye Videos, Also included in: Mammal Unit Bundle (Monotremes, Marsupials, Placental Mammals), Also included in: BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY - SUPER BUNDLE (WORKSHEETS FOR EVERY EPISODE! The second is a fill in the blank version with optional word bank. This lesson is designed for late elementary through middle school. Mammals are animals that are warm-blooded vertebrates (vertebrates have backbones) with hair or fur. Students will color the mammals and reptiles then cut them out and glue them in the correct category. Mammals Worksheets. Gnawing Mammals We understand that you may only want to use our services for worksheets and may not want to upgrade your account. Both versions include keys. View PDF. Kindergarten Mammals Printable Pack. Key Terms Include: A collection of English ESL worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach about mammals, mammals (Grades 2-4), Animals that Live on the Farm: Horses (Grades 2-4), Animals that Live on the Farm: Sheep (Grades 2-4), Animals that Live on the Farm: Goats (Grades 2-4), Ten Fascinating Facts About Bats (Grades 4-5), Prairie Dogs: Home on the Range (Grades 5-6), Marsupials: Kangaroos and Koalas (Grades 4-5), Can You Guess This Mystery Animal? //-->. Try all worksheets in one app There’s no doubt some your child’s first words included animals. This is the reason why animals are classified in certain types based on their similarities. Both types of animals live together in different habitats even though there are several differences between them. Mammals and Animal Behavior Worksheets (Opening image copyright hxdbzxy, 2010. Mammals are warm-blooded creatures that have gland that give milk to their babies. var S; Teachers Pay Teachers is an online marketplace where teachers buy and sell original educational materials. Mammals are everywhere. Grade recommendation: 1-2 • Common Core State Standards Alignment: L.K.4, K.MD.3 ... You may print worksheets for your own personal, non-commercial use. Search Search educational ... students read the background information about marine mammals and the traits they share with all mammals. A review type worksheet to use after the introduction of mammals. Bears (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), Red (and Blue!) Draw Four Mammals Draw four mammals. -herbivore Then answer the related questions. These worksheets will explore a wide array of things related to mammals. (Short Reader; Grades 3-4 Readability), Introduction to Groundhogs (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), What Is a Mammal? Reptiles include turtles, lizards, snakes, crocodiles, and alligators. This 2 page Editable Video Questions Worksheet comes with an Answer Key. This images was Posted by Robert S. Busch on May 28, 2015. The worksheet features the traceable word and then shows several animals including a cow, pig, dolphin and moose and children have to correctly identify the mammals and circle them. Mammals Worksheet ActivityYour students will enjoy making this Mammals Wheel to learn about the characteristics and traits of all mammals. We also offer a large selection of puzzles, coloring pages, and activities to go along with our stories to extend student learning. This features matching, sorting and identification of mammal activities! An answer key is provided. Mammals featured are: bats, aardvarks, kangaroos, whales, chimpanzees, sea otters, elephants and coyotes. (Grades 5-6), Character Traits: This compare and comparison is about Horton and Cat in the Hat from Dr. Seuss books. Animal Classification Worksheet Pack. From ocean mammals worksheets to marine mammals videos, quickly find teacher-reviewed educational resources. -diaphragm There are millions of species that exist and it becomes difficult to deal with them individually. This free mammals worksheet will help kids learn to write and spell the word “Mammal” as well as recognize what animals are actually mammals. Get Free Access See Review. ... (Study them with your kiddos and use these worksheets and printables all about pigs to help.) The third is. (Very Quick Reader; Grades 1-3 Readability), How Does a Walrus Stay Warm? Flying Mammals One of the smallest mammals in the world is the bumblebee bat that flies with tiny wings. Dolphins live in the oceans. Mammals Animal Passages - Doing animal research projects with your students is a big undertaking. Mammals worksheets that parents and teachers can print for kids (Short Reader; Grades 2-4 Readability), S-l-o-w Sloths (Short Reader; Grades 2-4 Readability), Giraffes (Short Reader; Grades 2-4 Readability), Bumblebee Bat (Short Reader; Grades 2-4 Readability), The Mammal Behind the Mask (Short Reader; Grades 2-4 Readability), Walrus (Short Reader; Grades 2-5 Readability), Is It a Groundhog? (Very Quick Reader; Grades 2-4 Readability), A Bubble Net and a Buffet (Very Quick Reader; Grades 2-4 Readability), Slap Me Some Fin! This program can be watched for free at which discusses how mammals evolved and diversified after the dinosaurs became extinct.This worksheet has multiple choice questions and a final reflection related to the program. (grades 3-4), Lento y tranquilo - El perezoso (grades 1-2), Una maravilla con una joroba (grades 3-5), ¡No te preocupes por la aleta dorsal! 24 questions (identify, true/false, and multiple choice) assess students' understanding. Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources, Very easy 4 x 4 Sudoku with shapes (4 keys), Very easy 4 x 4 Sudoku with shapes (4 keys with hints), Easy 4 x 4 Sudoku with shapes (4 keys with hints), How the Kangaroo Got Her Pouch: An Australian Aboriginal Legend (Grades 2-4), Mammals Review Quiz - vocabulary, true/false, and multiple choice (Grades 3-6), Mammals Review Quiz - vocabulary, true/false, and multiple choice (Grades 6-9), I Know a Kid... (Very Quick Reader; Grades 1-3 Readability), Bats! Mammals: Circle the Mammals and Fill in the Missing Letters Find the missing lettters and circle mammals. All mammals also have hair or fur. Students then answer the true and false questions. (Grades 1-2), Australian Mammal Traits: Compares three common Australian mammals (Grades 5-6), Rhinoceros Traits: Compares an ancient Rhino with modern Rhinos (Grades 5-6), Elephant Traits: Compares two commonly confused elephants (Grades 5-6), Mammal Traits: Compares two similar mammals (Grades 5-6), Mammal Traits: Compares two cute and social mammals (Grades 5-6), Mammal Traits: Compares three small mammals (Grades 3-4), Long Eared Creatures Traits: Compares two similar looking animals (Grades 5-6), Monkey Traits: Compares two rainforest-dwelling monkeys (Grades 5-6), Animal Traits: Compares two tree-loving animals (Grades 5-6), Camel Traits: Compares the two kinds of camels (Grades 3-4), Bear Traits: Compares three popular bears (Grades 3-4), Animals with "horse" in their name Traits: Compares two animals with similar faces (Grades 5-6), Compare and Contrast Two Things (third grade), Compare and Contrast Two Things (fourth grade), Compare and Contrast Two Things (fifth grade), Compare and Contrast Two Things (sixth grade), Compare and Contrast Two Things (seventh grade), Compare and Contrast Two Things (eighth grade), The Rhinoceros: It Can't Toot Its Own Horn, The Magical, Mystical Reindeer: More Than a Myth, Zorro the Zookeeper's Surprise (Grades 3-6), Art Project: Read clues about an animal and then lift the flap to see the animal (PDF file), Coloring Book: Mammal babies coloring book (PDF file), Mammals hidden pictures coloring book (PDF file), Mixed: Each page count by a different number, The One in the Middle Is the Green Kangaroo (Grades K-3), Lousy Rotten Stinkin' Grapes (Grades 1-2), The Bears on Hemlock Mountain (Grades 1-3), Dingoes at Dinnertime (Magic Tree House #20) (Grades 2-4), Good Morning Gorillas (Magic Tree House #26) (Grades 2-4), The Mystery at the Dog Show (Boxcar Children #35) (Grades 2-4), Magic School Bus #10: Expedition Down Under (Grades 2-5), Magic School Bus #1: The Truth about Bats (Grades 2-5), Magic School Bus #3: The Wild Whale Watch (Grades 2-5), Lions at Lunchtime (Magic Tree House #11) (Grades 3-4), Polar Bears Past Bedtime (Magic Tree House #12) (Grades 3-4), Tumtum & Nutmeg- Adventures Beyond Nutmouse Hall (Grades 3-5), Tumtum and Nutmeg: The Great Escape (Grades 3-6), Tumtum and Nutmeg: The Pirates' Adventure (Grades 3-6), A Nest for Celeste: A Story About Art, Inspiration, and the Meaning of Home (Grades 4-6), Easy Mammals (Pictures, Names, and Misspellings), Lesser Known Mammals (Pictures and Names), Lesser Known Mammals (Pictures, Names, and Misspellings), Easy and More Difficult Mammals (Pictures), Easy and More Difficult Mammals (Word Search), Easy and More Difficult Mammals (Pictures and Names), Easy and More Difficult Mammals (Pictures, Names, and Misspellings), Phonics - Printable Books, Worksheets, and Lesson Plans, Algebra Worksheets: Fundamentals of Equations and Formulas, English Worksheets - Language Arts and Grammar Lesson Plans, Back to School and First Day of School Lesson Plans. Grab these Free Mammals Worksheets from our sister site today. Mammals are a very diverse group of animals that are found on land, in the sea, and in the air. The largest mammal, the blue whale, lives in the sea, and it is larger even than the dinosaurs. The other resource includes to activities to review learning that would be perfect to add to a science interactive noteb. This section contains information, facts, and worksheets on the dazzling array of mammals found everywhere on Earth, from the tropical rainforests of the Amazon, the frozen waters of Antarctica to scorching deserts and high-altitude mountains. (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), Blue Whales (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), If You Give a Manatee a Cookie... (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), Reindeer or Caribou (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), Tooth-Walkers (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), Bengal Tiger (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), A One Hump Wonder (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability), One Hump or Two? Reptile is a classification just like birds, insects, mammals… ; Do-A-Dot Letter Activity – Using a dot marker or bingo marker, dot out all of the correct letters. I have designed my video worksheets so that there are subheadings for each segment of the video so that students can easily find their place while viewing. Pigs use their snout to find food and to sense the environment around them. Mammals featured are: bats, aardvarks, kangaroos, whales, chimpanzees, sea otters, elephants and coyotes. This worksheet pictures a bear and students are instructed to read the 5 “facts” and color the ones that correctly describe mammals. January 9, 2020. … Hunting Mammals Invertebrates. All female mammals have glands that can produce milk to feed their young. Jesus Feeds the 5000 Craft and Lesson. Streamlined for easy instructional use, each puzzle worksheet in this set — even the word jumble — comes with a convenient teacher answer key for quick correcting. Learn about predator/prey, producers/consumers, and the food chain with these worksheets. I hope you like it. S=topJS(); Search Search educational resources Search Menu ... All mammals have warm blood, are vertebrates, breathe with their lungs, have hair or … Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter?