Existing review of literature. production and ginning of cotton is of prime importance to the Burkinabeeconomy. In marketing year (MY) 2019—August 2019-July 2020—the United States produced nearly 20 million bales of cotton, representing about $7 billion in total (lint plus seed) value. To counteract negative impacts of cotton cultivation in India, such as environmental degradation and financial dependency due to high input costs, organic cotton cultivation is being promoted by non-governmental organizations in the country. Cotton is also a very political crop because of its importance in world trade and to the economies of many developing countries. 1/ Part of the complexity of studying cotton derives from the fact that it-is traded and marketed at all stages of processing. The importance of cotton Cotton is a major source of employment, and has created substantial economic multipliers through the development of the sector’s value chain and the physical infrastructure it requires (Kaminski, 2011). In addition to providing fiber, cotton seeds are used Healthy rural economies are based on stable farm income, and cotton yields and prices are often among the healthiest of all field crops, vegetable or fruit. Cotton is an important source of income for smallholder farmers in India, usually grown very intensively. Raw cotton was the United States’ largest merchandise export from 1803 through 1937, and the United States has been the largest cotton exporter since 1834 (with only one exception in 1985/86). World statisticsWorld statistics. Economics of Cotton A National Cotton Council analysis affirms that today’s modern cotton production system provides significant benefits to rural America’s economy and environment. The T&C industries provide opportunities for export diversification and expansion of manufactured exports for low-income countries that can exploit their labour cost The value of cotton is an important measure of agricultural productivity because it measures the economic output of farms. The United States plays a vital role in the global cotton market, acting as a key producer and exporter of the fiber. Cotton is the overwhelmingly dominant raw material of the textile industry, which is the largest employer in the industrial sector. The Importance of Cotton Today, the world uses more cotton than any other fiber, and cotton is a leading cash crop in the U.S. At the farm level alone, the production of each year’s crop involves the purchase of more than $5.3 billion worth of supplies and services. Cotton is a significant crop; it is the most commonly used natural fiber, and it accounts for ⅓ of the world’s fiber demand. AREA OF EGYPT The independent kingdom of Egypt occupies an area of 383,000 square miles located in northeast Africa and the Sinai Peninsula of Asia. Importance of Cotton Fiber Q litQuality Ei FH tEric F. Hequet Plant and Soil Science Department Fiber and Biopolymer Research InstituteFiber and Biopolymer Research Institute Texas Tech University. production, the improvement, and the marketing of staple cotton of the United States and are therefore of importance to American cotton growers and other economic groups in the South. Cotton is an important cash crop grown in Pakistan and it contributes substantially to the national economy of Pakistan and is a key source of livelihood for the rural people (Pakistan, 2012-13).It is widely grown in hot and humid areas where there are high pest hazards as some insects are especially deleterious to cotton yield and its quality. 2. Yield evolution (average world) 900 600 700 800 a Yield = 9.11 Year - 17,560 Economic aspects The T&C industries are very important for a handful of countries, in terms of trade, GDP and employment and have contributed significantly in several other countries. Abstract: The thrust of this study is on economic analysis of cotton production.The specific objectives were to describe socio-economic characteristics, resource utilization and production technologies and to determine profit in cotton production. 3Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Federal University, Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria.