Heritage Insurance Services . 20). Unlike any other verifiable information that is accessible to humanity either through observation or the scientific method of investigation, prophecy is the access to information and declaration of truth about something before it … This method … Again, His kingdom is everlasting, according to Ps. The servant is Israel. The Hebrew word for strong signifies a conquering, prevailing strength. God has promised that He will dwell with him that is humble and of a contrite heart. He is there no matter what we’re facing. IMAGINE one year from tonight (New Years Eve 2020) celebrating with your friends and you say, “This was the greatest year of my life”! Inward silence is absolutely indispensable, because the Word is essential and eternal, and necessarily requires dispositions in the soul in some degree correspondent to His nature, as a capacity for the reception of Himself. And I will grant salvation in Zion,         And My glory for Israel. It might have been more in order that the aged minister should himself address the people; but nevertheless, as it is his own choice, so it must be; and I shall draw my consolation from the third verse, where it is declared, that though God be the God of the close of our life, yet he is also the God of its beginning. Hearing is a sense formed to receive sounds, and is rather passive than active, admitting, but not communicating sensation; and if we would hear, we must lend the ear, The soul, being brought to this place, needs no other preparation than that of repose: for the presence of God during the day, which is the great result of prayer, or rather prayer itself, begins to be intuitive and almost continual. (1) The Bible claims God's power to pre­dict the future (Isa 46:10). Lo, he is strong.' Isaiah’s Prophecy Relates to Two Time Frames Simultaneously. Isaiah 10:12 So it will be that when the Lord has completed all His work on Mount Zion and on Jerusalem. If during my application to God I should form a will to change the nature of my act, I thereby withdraw myself, Of Inward Silence "The Lord is in His Holy Temple, let all the earth keep silence before him" (Hab. What better evidence have we that it is desirable that anything should be done, than that it is agreeable, or pleasing to God? It also comes with a Bible study based on the series. Love and condescension doth rather embolden them, and therefore they must be restrained with the bridle of authority. If he had not, he could not predict future events, since a contingent event cannot be foreknown and predicted; that is, it cannot be foretold that an event shall certainly occur in one way, when by the very supposition of its being contingent it may happen either that way, or some other way, or not at all. . Inward silence is absolutely indispensable, because the Word is essential and eternal, and necessarily requires dispositions in the soul in some degree correspondent to His nature, as a capacity for the reception of Himself. Note: In order to confirm the bank transfer, you will need to upload a receipt or take a screenshot of your transfer within 1 day from your payment date. But the name of God is always holy, according to Lk. Though we are forward to take privileges to ourselves, yet we are apt to shift off duties from ourselves to others; therefore the commandment is in the second person, Thou and Thou, that every one may know that it is spoken to him, …Thomas Watson—The Ten Commandments, The Power of GodThe next attribute is God's power. God bless you all … It also comes with a Bible study based on the series. An educational and recreational bible game and method of playing thereof for learning the various biblical scriptures introduces the subject matter of the Bible in a game format in the context of the ... 46 10 I JOHN 4:18 ROMANS 12:2 ISAIAH 56:11 JOHN 15:12, 13 11 GAL. Whatever God has put in your heart to do: determine 2020 is your year to DO IT! "Come unto Me, all Ye that Labour, and are Wearied," &C. Epistle v. To Theoctista, Sister of the Emperor. He is called El-shaddai, God almighty. "Bel" is the abbreviated form of the word "Baal", or "lord". I intend here to speak only of Internal acts, those energies of the soul, by which it turns internally to some objects, and averts from others. God declaring the End from the Beginning! This foretelling of things future is a precellency in God above idols that he much standeth upon. 23.--"And this is his commandment," &c. There are different tempers of mind among men, some more smooth and pliable, others more refractory and froward. It is the men who form the exact antithesis to these characters who are addressed here. PART ONE of THREE This three part sermon series was presented at a men's camp. Translate, "What had not been done" [Horsley]. Why is the commandment in the second person singular, Thou? As we apply Dr. Gileadi’s interpretive methods, the decoded message of Isaiah reveals itself as an amazing cosmic vision of “the end from the beginning” (Isaiah 46:10). I wonder, however, that you withdrew your countenance, till of late bestowed on me, from this my recent engagement in the pastoral office; wherein, under colour of episcopacy, I have been brought. Jesus has shed the oil of His benediction on the poor in spirit. My counsel shall stand - My purpose, my design, my will. He 11:37). Lo, he is strong.' Isaiah 46:10: ... and then the Words in 12:4 i believe he only has to repeat the same ole' Rightfully dividing method all over again with both the vision and the words. Today, I share how clarity is not only one of the single most important keys to success but how to put your clear goals to ACTION. It might have been more in order that the aged minister should himself address the people; but nevertheless, as it is his own choice, so it must be; and I shall draw my consolation from the third verse, where it is declared, that though God be the God of the close of our life, yet he is also the God of its beginning. Because of the worldwide rebellion against God, Satan rules the current evil age. Learn the #1 Habit of Peak Performers. . Amillennialists overlook God’s sovereign plan for providing for providing us with so much prophecy. The invitation is to get to know the true God personally: “And the many peoples shall go and say: ‘Come, let us go up to the Mount of the LORD, to the House of the God of Jacob; that He may instruct us in His ways, and that we may walk in His paths.’” 739-690 B.C.). We know for certain that“Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure” (Psalm 147:5) and that “The Lord is the everlasting G… And from the ancient times the things that are not yet done; that were not at this time done, though they are since: such as the captivity of the Jews, and their return from it; also the incarnation of Christ, his obedience and sufferings, and the glory that should follow; his resurrection, ascension, and session at the right hand of God; the work of redemption by him; the effusion of the Spirit; the spread of the Gospel among the Gentiles, and their conversion; and others which are now not yet done; as the conversion of the Jews in the latter day, and the bringing in the fulness of the Gentiles; the glory of the church in those times as to knowledge, peace, purity, power, and authority; the destruction of antichrist; and the second coming of the Messiah; all which have been declared from ancient times; and as the former have been accomplished, there is reason to believe the latter will: saying, my counsel shall stand; the purposes and decrees of God, which are within himself, wisely formed by him, eternal and not frustrable; and which shall stand, or be accomplished, being the counsels of him who is all wise, all knowing, all powerful, unchangeable, true, and faithful; whether they respect the providence of God in relation to the world in general, and the government of it, or to particular persons, and their affairs, from the time of their birth to their death; or whether they respect his grace and goodness in the salvation of men; such as his purpose according to election, the covenant of his grace, redemption by Christ, the effectual calling, and eternal glorification; all which, as they are according to the will and counsel of God; stand firm and sure, and shall have their full accomplishment; see Psalm 33:11. That God's plan will not be frustrated. ii. With a text based on Psalm 46:10 , Isaiah 43:1 and John 14:27, this popular David Haas song, You Are Mine, has quickly risen to the top as one of the most important hymn contributions of the last decade. Objection 1: It would seem that the seven petitions of the Lord's Prayer are not fittingly assigned. (2) Prophecy has a moral purpose. Some of the purposes of prophecy are to strengthen faith (John 14:29) and to pro­mote holy living and readiness for … The power of goal setting is undisputed – it is one of the most common characteristics of successful individuals. 23.--"And this is his commandment," &c. There are different tempers of mind among men, some more smooth and pliable, others more refractory and froward. In a debate with apologist David Marshall, atheist John Loftus argued that the passage is unequivocally not about Jesus. The head of the rabbinic school where I studied in Jerusalem taught that Isaiah’s writings apply to two different time frames simultaneously: (1) Isaiah’s day; and (2) “the last days” or “end-time” (‘aharit hayyamim).When I asked how he knew this he said he had no proof but that it was Jewish tradition.