This study tested the effects of explant type, medium composition, and cultivar on in vitro regeneration of callus, shoots, and roots in Ajania pacifica (Nakai) Bremer et Humphries. Deserves to be better known. Soil drainage RHS Hyde Hall Spring & Orchid Show 9-11 April 2021 RHS Garden Hyde Hall Spring and Orchid Show ex Bess.) Find help & information on from the RHS. Raste … Attractive ground cover. Pyrethrum pallasianum (Fisch. Ajania pacifica. Familj: Compositae. Als Geschenk in einem Topf beispielsweise macht die Pazifik Margerite eine ganz besondere Freude. Suggested uses. Flowers are not as showy as florists’ chrysanthemums. Ajania is closely related to the chrysanthemum, and may become an interesting alternative for it, the more that the cultivation of both species can be carried out simultaneously. World Plants: Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World (2019). Cvijet Ajanija - Ajania pacifica Ocijeni članak: printaj pošalji prijatelju komentiraj raspravi na forumu podjeli svoju tajnu. Rock gardens, border foregrounds. Generalidades: La Ajania pacifica o Chrysanthemum pacificum (también Chrysanthemum ornatum) se llama también crisantemo oro y plata por la combinación del color dorado de sus flores con la suave pelusa plateada y los márgenes blancos de las hojas. Ajania pacifica (Pacific chrysanthemum) will reach a height of 0.3m and a spread of 0.9m after 2-5 years. Nice as a cut flower. Summary. Artnamnet pacifica betyder från Stilla Havet. La Ajania pacifica (Nakai) K.Bremer & Humphries (1993) es una herbácea siempreverde cespitosa o subarbustiva con porte erecto, compacta, alta 20-60 cm, que se expande a través de estolones subterráneos hasta formar matas anchas 70-80 cm. Sie liebt es, den ganzen Tag in der Sonne zu wachsen. Copyright © 2000 - 2020 Valleybrook International Ventures Inc. Alphabetical list of all 4,000+ perennials here. Blir 30 cm hög och blommar från augusti till oktober. Ajania pacifica - Ajania Exposición a semisombra.Tolera un amplio abanico de suelos.Porte herbáceo con una altura máxima de sesenta centímetros. Autor: administrator 11/8/2009 1:19:16 PM Ova ne zahtjevna vrtna trajnica doseže visinu od 30-50cm. Nom commun : Ajania du Pacifique, Chrysanthème du Pacifique, Chrysanthème Mimosa, appelé localement 'Shiogiku' (gi se prononce comme le gui, et ku comme queue ou shiovikeu), nommé par les anglophones 'Aka Ajania', 'Korean Mums' ou 'Yellow Splash'. ... Ajania pacifica Nakai Родом из Центральной и Восточной Азии. Plants generally tolerate poor soils as long as drainage is good. Зона выращивания: 5-9. ex Bess.) Ajania is closely related to the chrysanthemum, and may become an interesting alternative for it, the more that the cultivation of both species can be carried out simultaneously. Ajania pallasiana (Fisch. May be grown in containers. Ponieważ jest to roślina krótkiego dnia, to oznacza, że pąki inicjują się jak dzień nie przekracza 14 godzin. ex Bess. Beds and borders, Containers, Drought Tolerant, Gravel, Ground Cover, Rock. Get the latest news and promotions! Vetenskapligt namn: Ajania pacifica. Plants may be kept especially compact, if desired, by pinching the growth in June or July. Taller stems may be pinched back in early summer to promote plant vigor and lower plant height. Published on the internet. nudi brezplačno gostovanje phpbb forumov. Small yellow button flowers appear very late in the fall, sometimes lasting until Christmas. Ajania pacifica je kompaktně rostoucí rostlina s všestranným využitím. Ajania pacifica, sometimes commonly called gold and silver chrysanthemum, is native to central and eastern Asia. Verdraagt koude temperaturen mits enige bescherming. Will tolerate partial shade. Ze zijn niet volledig winterhard maar op een beschutte plek tegen koude wind of met een winterdekking komen ze toch de winter door. (Formerly Chrysanthemum pacificum) This Japanese species forms a bushy mound of lobed green leaves, attractively edged with silver, remaining attractive all season long. Ajania pacifica: información para que mejore. Loamy, Sandy. Prefers poor, well-drained soil in full sun. Je vhodná na terasy, balkóny, do skalky, na záhony i do nádob. Florece a finales de verano.Planta de muy fácil cultivo.Apta para la tapizar arriates y para macetas. Ajania pacifica is een laagblijvend plantje dat men goed kan gebruiken in de rotstuin of in potten. Ajania pacifica. Grmolikog rasta i vrlo razgranatog korijena. Hassler, M. 2017. Dendranthema pacificum (Nakai) Kitam. Some gardeners grow this plant primarily for its foliage. (Formerly Chrysanthemum pacificum) This Japanese species forms a bushy mound of lobed green leaves, attractively edged with silver, remaining attractive all season long. The present study investigated the efficiency of micropropagation of three cultivars of Ajania pacifica (Nakai) Bremer et Humphries: ‘Bea’, ‘Bess’, ‘Silver and Gold’. It is a mound-forming, rhizomatous perennial that is noted for its attractive variegated foliage in spring and summer. Ajania är lämplig för utplantering under alla förhållanden. Ajania pacifica, Ajanka pacifická, Pěstujeme na slunném stanovišti. Ajania purpurea C. Shih. Brezplačno spletno gostovanje za forum lahko odprete le v nekaj sekundah, brez obveznosti in predznanja o namestitvah spletnih aplikacij. ex Bess.) Kvete od srpna do září terčovitými úbory v chocholících. Poljakov Северо-восточный Китай, Корея, Дальний Восток. Cultivation. Ajania pallasiana (Fisch. Ajania pacifica, sometimes commonly called gold and silver chrysanthemum, is native to central and eastern Asia. Noteworthy Characteristics. La Ajania pacifica es una de esas plantas rústicas que decoran el lugar donde estén todo el año, pero es desde finales del verano hasta comienzos del invierno que sus curiosas flores amarillas hacen su aparición, llegando a cubrir gran parte del follaje. This study tested the effects of explant type, medium composition, and cultivar on in vitro regeneration of callus, shoots, and roots in Ajania pacifica (Nakai) Bremer et Humphrie Accessed: 22 Nov. 2017. Grow in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. It is a mound-forming, rhizomatous perennial that is noted for its attractive variegated foliage in spring and summer. Аяния тихоокеанская - Ajania pacifica Nakai Syn. Search. Kan övervintra under skyddade förhållanden. Ajania pacifica ‘Bea’ $9.50. Superb as a foliage plant in the border, or in containers. Species recognized by EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1. Will not tolerate wet soil in winter. Join the RHS Het blad is groen met een zilverachtig randje. Water: natte voeten vermijden. Ajania pacifica Silver and Gold wächst im Frühherbst kompakt-buschig bis polsterbildend und wird nur etwa 50 cm hoch. Pertenece a la familia de las Asteráceas o Compuestas y se la llama también crisantemo del Pacífico. Plants may appreciate winter protection in USDA Zone 5. Wet soils in winter can be fatal. Dendranthema pallasianum Vorosch. Sold Out Add to Compare Add to Wishlist. Dorůstá výšky 0,5 m. Od srpna do října rozkvétá žlutými úbory květů. Some afternoon shade is beneficial in hot summer climates. Egenskaper. Chrysanthemum pallasianum (Fisch. It is native to Japan, where it is endemic to the island of Honshū. Ajania pacifica. Missouri Botanical Garden. ex Bess.) Poljakov. Tłumacząc to na ludzki język, by otrzymać kwiaty w innym terminie trzeba skracać dzień roślinie przez 9 tygodni. Ajania pacifica. Mimo dobu kvetení je dekorativní zejména její podlouhle vykrajovaný, tmavě sivozelený, tuhý list s jemným bílým okrajem. Ajania charakteryzuje się 8-9 tygodniową reakcją fotoperiodyczną. Easily divided in early spring. Need Help? Kom. Maxim. Soil type. Naam: Ajania pacifica 'Mimosa Gold' Familie: Asteraceae Standplaats: Zonnige plaats in goed afwaterende, vruchtbare grond. Regelbunden vattning och gödning, tål dock lätt uttorkning. Pěstuje se zejména kvůli ozdobným listům. Very tolerant of summer heat and humidity. 异名: Artemisia pallasiana Fisch. Species recognized by EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1. Ajania växer som en tät liten buske och är en utmärkt växt för höstplanteringar i kruka. V létě vyhovuje teplota 18-25°C, v zimě přezimuje na světlém stanovišti při 8-10°C a omezené zálivce. Compare. Trautv. Chrysanthemum pacificum, commonly called gold and silver chrysanthemum, is a flowering plant in the aster family. et C. A. Mey. During much of the growing season, this plant serves as an excellent ground cover featuring lobed, ovate, silver-margined leaves (to 2” long). Its natural habitat is along the Pacific coast, where it often grows on ocean cliffs. Ajania pallasiana. De bloempjes lijken op gele of witte piepkleine chrysantjes. Placering. Synonymous with Chrysanthemum pacificum and Dendranthema pacificum.Specific epithet means of the Pacific Ocean. Reference taxon from World Plants in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life. : Chrysanthemum pacificum Nakai, Dendranthema pacificum (Nakai) Kitam.. Родом из Центральной и Восточной Азии. Ajania pacifica Trivialname(n): Gold-Chrysantheme, Pazifik-Margerite Synonym(e): Chrysanthemum pacificum, Dendranthema pacificum Familie: Asteraceae (Korbblütler) Herkunft/Verbreitung: Japan Weitere Informationen: k. Ajania pacifica: Fazit Die „neuen“ Sorten überzeugen durch ihre Wüchsigkeit (-> Kulturzeitverkürzung) Farblich ist die „Bess“ die interessanteste Sorte (laut Umsatzzahlen an der Versteigerung) kalkulatorisch ist die Kultur wirtschaftlich Die Ajania ergänzt das Schnittprogramm „jahreszeit- und produktgerecht“ 别名: 【栽培的“亚菊”应为“金球菊”Ajania pacifica】 分类系统 … Chrysanthemum pacificum. Algemeen: Een laagblijvende, goed vertakkende vaste plant met gelobde, groene bladeren met een zilverkleurig randje.Het blad lijkt sterk op dit van de chrysanten, waar dit plantje ook … Small yellow button flowers appear very late in the fall, sometimes lasting until Christmas. It typically forms a dense foliage mound to 18-24” tall that spreads over time by rhizomes to as much as 36” wide. Ajania pacifica. Tanacetum pallasianum (Fisch. Autumn bloom features numerous small, button-like, yellow flowers that appear in corymbs. The Garden wouldn't be the Garden without our Members, Donors and Volunteers. Undersides of the leaves are also silvery. ex Bess.) Populärnamn: Ajania. Reference taxon from World Plants in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life. (02) 9653 3933 Steckbrief. Mycket lämplig i krukor, balkonglådor och rabatter.
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