April 22, 1992 (approximate): Pitches his tent on frozen ground not far from the Stampede Trail. and "BUT IN WEAKEST CONDITION OF LIFE. It is an expansion of a 9,000-word article by Krakauer on Chris McCandless titled "Death of an Innocent", which appeared in the January 1993 issue of Outside. Buy Study Guide. May–June 1992: Regularly eats squirrel, spruce grouse, duck, goose, and porcupine. January 1992: Meets Ronald Franz while hitchhiking near California's Salton Sea. Into the Wild crude comforts.". March 14 (approximate) to March 28, 1992: Works at Wayne Westerberg's grain elevator in Carthage, South Dakota. The book, Into the Wild, Jon Krakauer vividly depicts the adventuresome trek Chris McCandless left. Read Common Sense Media's Into the Wild review, age rating, and parents guide. August 12, 1992: Posting an S.O.S. Here's where you'll find analysis about the book as a whole. Into the Wild study guide contains a biography of author Jon Krakauer, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. February 3, 1991: Applies for an ID and a job in Los Angeles, then changes his mind and returns to the road. "Into the Wild" is the story of Christopher McCandless and his unique journey into the depths of the Alaskan wilderness. Summary McCandless sets up camp along the badlands abutting the Salton Sea, not far from a gathering of aging hippies, itinerant and indigent families, nudists, and snowbirds set up in … Mails Jan Burres a postcard telling her that he has been living on the streets in San Diego for a week. March 14, 1992: Driven by Franz to Grand Junction, Colorado. McCandless lives i… Find a summary of this and each chapter of Into the Wild! SparkNotes is brought to you by Barnes & Noble. Mid-May, 1992: With only four hours of darkness each night, can forage for edible plants. Two years earlier in May 1990, McCandless graduated … Leaving the campus, hikes west. April 18–21, 1992: Reads up on edible plants at the University of Alaska's Fairbanks campus. "Into the Wild" is the story of Christopher McCandless and his unique journey into the depths of the Alaskan wilderness. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Meets duck hunters who drive him there. December 2, 1990: Reaches the Morelos Dam and the Mexican border. Into the Wild is a non-fiction book by Jon Krakauer that was first published in 1966. From the friends and colleagues he made to the hardships he went through, McCandless is defined as a warm, sociable and friendly […] Pages: 4 Words: 1227 Topics: Into The Wild. January 18, 1991: Caught by U.S. Immigration officials when he tries to slip back into the country from Mexico. Into the Wild is a 1996 non-fiction book written by Jon Krakauer. July 6, 1990: Arrives at Lake Mead National Recreation Area in Nevada. Notes in his journal that he has lost over 25 pounds. He later chronicled McCandless' epic journey in his bestselling book Into the Wild. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# Get ready to write your essay on Into the Wild. June 14, 1992: Discovering maggots on the carcass, abandons it to the local wolves. Millions of books are just a click away on BN.com and through our FREE NOOK reading apps. December 25, 1990: Seeking refuge from high winds, discovers a cave on the face of a bluff, where he stays for 10 days. Get free homework help on Jon Krakauer's Into the Wild: book summary, chapter summary and analysis, quotes, essays, and character analysis courtesy of CliffsNotes. The young man turns out to be the runaway son of a well-to-do East Coast family, Christopher (Chris) McCandless, who after graduating from Emory University in May 1990, gave away his savings to charity, abandoned his car, burned all his cash, and hitchhiked across the country “to live off the land” in the Alaskan wilderness. The book was adapted to a film of the same name in 2007, directed by Sean Penn with Emile Hirschstarring as McCandless.
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