Large selection and many more categories to choose from. Englewood, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1990. The different chapters offer a variety of perspectives on relevant topics such as the purpose and nature of leadership, approaches to leadership practice and the importance of context. Caldwell, B. J. This book provides educational leaders and those interested in educational leadership with a very useful synthesis of current theory informing leadership practice. 15 Best and Most Popular Servant Leadership Books of All Time. It provides ideas to change school climates and bring energy back with you to the school. If you are looking for a fun, easy-to-read educational leadership book, this is the one for you. Educational Leadership. ‎The second edition of Educational Leadership: Together Creating Ethical Learning Environments is a groundbreaking work at the forefront of current research into the ethical challenges inherent to leadership. All 21 “laws” are very easy to understand, and the stories that support them make each of them actionable for us to apply within our own lives and individual leadership roles. Buy Educational Leadership: Context, Strategy and Collaboration (Published in association with The Open University) 1 by Maggie Preedy, Nigel Bennett, Christine Wise, Preedy, Margaret, Bennett, Nigel D, Wise, Christine (ISBN: 9781446201640) from Amazon's Book Store. The idea that I would have any time to read a book during the school year is ludicrous. This book fits so very well with all sound educational leadership and sound life skills that I can't imagine it not being well suited for everyone!" `Keith Grint′s persuasive essay on the art of leadership in Effective Educational Leadership is uncannily accurate′ - Tim Brighouse, Times Educational Supplement `its unique contribution is the exploration of links between leadership discourses and the themes that have emerged from the school effectiveness movements since the 1980s. This is a useful and important book because citizenship, globalization and the tensions with nationality should be the concern of all who lead any school; even monofaith, monoethic and monolingual schools' - Tim Brighouse, TES Friday 'The authors offer a rigorous and systematic … Shop for Books on Google Play. The research indicated that change is a complicated proposition in the region, We have a handpicked selection of best leadership books from experts in the field which might assist readers to discover for themselves the elusive recipe to be a successful leader. Educational Leadership magazine is ASCD's flagship publication. ISBN 978-1-83880-486-2, eISBN 978-1-83880-487-9, PDF ISBN 978-1-83880-037-6, Published 2020-03-18 You don’t have to read 52 books in a year, but you do have to make time for more reading. Below is the list of such books on leadership – Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader ( Get this book ) On Becoming a Leader ( Get this book ) When someone asked me in March what educational leadership books I’m currently reading, I had to laugh a little. Educational leadership: Personal growth for professional development London: SAGE Publications Ltd doi: 10.4135/9781446247150 Tomlinson, Harry. `Clive Dimmock and Allan Walker's books is a valuable addition to the overcrowded literature on leadership. Introduction Leadership and Vision | Leadership Traits | Annotated Bibliography | Survey Responses | Self-Assessment This page contains an annotated bibliography of books and articles, as well as a list of additional resources. This case study of school leaders in the Southern Philippines explored principal perspectives on local dynamics that facilitate and impede meaningful educational change. At the college or university level, educational leaders are employed as department chairs, … Educational Leadership is a major research book on contemporary leadership challenges for educational leaders. Books Albritton, Rosie L., and Thomas W. Shaughnessy. Educational Leadership Books Search this Group Search. In this groundbreaking new work, educational leaders in schools, including teachers, are provided with ways of analysing and resolving common but complex leadership challenges. The author applies the models to a range of international contexts, including both developed and developing countries. But now summer is here, and I can finally find time (during work hours!) The Wiley International Handbook of Educational Leadership brings together contributions from authors in twenty-one countries, spanning six continents. (2006). Educational Leadership. With a circulation of 135,000, EL is acknowledged throughout the world as an authoritative source of information about teaching and learning, new ideas and practices relevant to practicing educators, and the latest trends and issues affecting prekindergarten through higher education. Management and Leadership Books. Phone Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. 1-800-933-ASCD (2723) Address 1703 North Beauregard St. Alexandria, VA 22311-1714 Dr. Careers in Educational Leadership. This edited book offers an updated insight into a number of key elements of educational leadership and teachers’ professional development topics.