Tree picture categories on the left are arranged in alphabetical order with each tree category containing many beautiful pictures of that different tree type. However, there are many other magnolias that are native to our area, so you should have no trouble finding one that's right for your landscape. Magnolia Tree Images. The Kobus magnolia is a slow-growing species that exhibits many of the classic magnolia traitsâfragrant white flowers tinged with pink that appear before the leaves open, and large, dark-green leaves. Florida Plants and Trees. The large, fragrant, pure-white flower petals remind me of starched linen, and I like the colored stamens. On my walks this season, I came across 15 different varieties of magnolia trees. Its large, star-shaped, creamy-yellow flowers are very fragrant and bloom in mid to late spring. Magnolia 'Pinkie' is a compact, multi-stemmed shrub or small tree with abundant blossoms in mid to late spring. CMHypno from Other Side of the Sun on April 07, 2014: Thank you for the great information and lovely photos of magnolias. The blooms are more than an inch long....yellow and look sort of like tiny bananas. Anise Magnolia It was a gift to my husband but it never bloomed. If you are anywhere near one of these trees when there is the slightest breeze, you will think you've found Heaven. Just use it without a selfish motive and no telling at how far you will go. Another variety is the Golden Trumpet Tree, which has golden yellow flowers and grows 10 to 15 feet. I like its cup-shaped flowers. I spotted each of these 15 varieties of the Magnolia genus in my home state of Ohio. Southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) â Also known as Bull Bay, southern magnolia displays shiny foliage and fragrant, pure white blooms that turn creamy white as the flowers mature.This large multi-trunked tree can reach heights of up to 80 feet (24 m.). Closeup of a Magnolia stellata var. Magnolia stellata variety Jane Platt offers large, striking pink flowers and a mild fragrance. Similar to the little girl hybrids, Marillyn is a hybrid resulting from a cross of Magnolias kobus and liliiflora. Place in large open areas. It was tagged with the name orchid, and other than that I know little about it except that it's very pretty. Their startlingly white blooms are sometimes tinged with pink at the base. Just one blossom can fill a house with its heady scent. This tree can grow quite tall. It's a medium-sized bloomer that offers large pale-yellow flowers from mid to late spring. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. It gets its name from the upturned petals of its flowers. Vancouver BC used to have a lot of natural magnolias growing throughout the city, some ancient specimens. It grows from about 8 to 15 feet tall and is considered very hardy. I trained it to be a tree when it was very young. Certain Florida magnolias have very small geographic ranges, such as the Ashe magnolia, a tree that occurs only in the upland bluffs of northwest Florida. craftybegonia from Southwestern, United States on February 08, 2012: Beautiful hub! -- Al Romano, Delray Beach. Until recently, when asked about magnolias, most gardeners outside the tropics and subtropics would probably limit their answer to Magnolia x soulangeana, the Saucer Magnolia.This deciduous hybrid blooms in early spring and is widely grown throughout the world's temperate zones. Others, such as the Ashe magnolia, shed their large leaves in autumn, creating a messy scenario under the tree. Just like clockwork it bloomed the thirteenth year, and every year after with increasing blooms. The exquisite magnolia flower is said to produce nature's strongest perfume. This tree survives better than almost any other tree species in Florida. The sun ray magnolia pictured below is another acuminata and denudata cross. This is a slow grower that has an upright growth habit - an oval form rather than a wide-spreading canopy - so you can safely plant things around the tree that prefer sun. This gold star magnolia tree is a cross of acuminata and stellata. âLittle Gemâ is, predictably, smaller than its full-size counterpart, allowing it to function as a shrub-like plant or small tree. It produces masses of large, cup-shaped flowers, 7-8 in. Voted up. The below variety is appropriately named pinkie due to the color of its blooms. I didn't realise there were so many varieties, this is a very informative hub. Deciduous magnolia trees fit particularly well into an area of your garden that is partially-shaded, where you might also grow beneath it azaleas, rhododendrons, hydrangeas, and a variety of shade-loving perennials. In its own category is Oyama magnolia (M. ⦠I love these strongly scented anise magnolia blooms. The âLittle Gemâ Magnolia could be the jewel in your landscaping crown thanks to its unique and appealing appearance. These small trees or large shrubs are known for their showy displays of large, star-shaped ⦠Trees placed in the right location in a landscape will provide homes with shade from the hot sun during the summer, and protection from cold winds in the winter. Certain Florida magnolias have very small geographic ranges, such as the Ashe magnolia, a tree that occurs only in the upland bluffs of northwest Florida. Closeup of an ivory chalice magnolia bloom. After researching, I discovered it takes thirteen years for the yellow to bloom. Q. The leaves of the pyramid magnolia, for example, are as long as 9 inches, while those of the southern magnolia grow to lengths of 8 inches. Side view of a Magnolia stellata var. My favorite. Others, such as the southern magnolia, grow throughout the state's northern half. I love its showy display of fragrant, white flowers that bloom from mid to late spring. campbellii . Magnolia. Magnolia aff. Certain Florida magnolias have very small geographic ranges, such as the Ashe magnolia, a tree that occurs only in the upland bluffs of northwest Florida. They have a wonderful fragrance. See more ideas about magnolia trees, magnolia, tulip magnolia. Aside from being extra careful with them in late frosts, the Wadaâs memory is ⦠One is a star magnolia and is about twenty-five feet tall and is over thirty years old. Thanks for sharing. I love its blazing white blooms. I love these beautiful trees with hints of color like blushes of pink , or mauve, and off white , even when they give us just a small visit we thank you for capturing their beauty by pictures , thank you for sharing. Southern Magnolia Tree Varieties for Zones 7A â 10 A. Samuel Sommer : Grows at a moderate rate to a height of 35 to 40 ft. with a 30ft. I hope you enjoy the following images and accompanying information about each one. I'm promoting your page on Twitter. can u take a clipping from a tree? We live near Philadelphia PaA,USA. Subtopics. The leaves have a sandpaper feel because of ⦠"Trees of North America"; C. Frank Brockman; 1996, "National Audubon Society Field Guide to Trees"; Elbert L. Little; 2008. This is a medium-sized tree that blooms from mid spring to early summer. Maria Giunta from Sydney, Australia on April 06, 2014: Magnolias are such a beautiful flowering tree, we have 4 in our garden, the Marillyn and Susan. Voted up and all the choices because you deserve it. They're a good choice for small yards as they range from about 10 to 15 feet high. Magnolia grandiflora, Southern Magnolia, is a native of Florida and the southeastern U.S. Waterlily Star; Jane Platt; Centennial Star; Chrysanthemumiflora; Betty; Pinkie; Susan; Ivory Chalice; Sun Ray; Gold Star; Marillyn; Magnolia x loebneri Powder Puff; salicifolia Anise; Orchid Magnolia; kobus Norman Gould; Magnolia stellata Varieties. They grow to be between 10 and 15 feet tall and bloom in late winter or early spring. Magnolia, Florida was a thriving river port town in southern Wakulla County, Florida (until 1843, Leon County, Florida), established in the 1820s and is classified as an "extinct city" by the State Library and Archives of Florida.âµAll that remains of the city is the cemetery, the last known burial was in 1859. The magnolia family is a group of about eighty species of trees and large shrubs, which are best suited to North and Central Florida. Magnolias are my favorite tree. I cordially invite you to read one or two of my hubs, and be one of my followers. I saw the chrysanthemumiflora pictured below for the first time at an arboretum near my home. Here are some of the most well-known types of magnolia trees: Southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) Saucer magnolia (Magnolia ×soulangiana) Star magnolia (Magnolia stellata) Loebner magnolia (Magnolia ×loebneri) Sweetbay magnolia (Magnolia virginiana) Cucumber tree (Magnolia acuminata) This aptly named flowering tree features dark, glossy leaves and large white blooms that create an eye-catching contrast. Preston and Kate from the Midwest on April 07, 2014: Magnolias are such beautiful trees! I like the large, deeply colored flowers of the Betty magnolia pictured below. These attractive trees also feature glossy, dark green leaves and a large, exotic-looking pod that opens in fall to reveal bright orange-red berries which are relished by birds and other wildlife. A Magnolia in bloom will bring your neighbors around to ⦠Closeup of a Magnolia kobus Norman Gould bloom. The Little Gem magnolia tree is the sweetest of all South Florida's small flowering trees - compact, hardy, and wonderfully fragrant. The centennial star shown below is another hardy bloom with large, fragrant white flowers accented with pink. will it root, and how do I cut if this is possible for magnolia. Forms a upright, oval shape which spreads with age. This tree is lauded for its hardiness. Kenneth Avery from Hamilton, Alabama on May 09, 2014: This is an excellent piece of writing. It blooms in early to late spring. I can't seem to pass a blossoming magnolia tree without taking its picture. It is a large, stately, evergreen tree that can grow 30 to ⦠This is another magnolia that I saw for the first time this year at an arboretum. The Southern magnolia is perhaps the most well-known magnolia in Florida. I love the deep, rich colors of its tulip-shaped blooms and its light fragrance. Floridaâs botanical bounty means a million shades of green. This one may be hard to find but is worth the search due to its beauty. These stately trees can grow up to 90 feet tall, depending on the cultivar, and have lustrous, evergreen foliage that makes a great backdrop for other garden plants. Voted up, beautiful and shared. Magnolia is a beautiful flower I would like to plant at home. The waterlily star stellata variety is a wonderful sight to behold in the spring. It has three trunks and is very beautiful every spring. A type of Anise magnolia, this tree is a hybrid and has willowy white petals with yellow centers. Below is one of my favorites. Has dark green leaves, flowers in spring. Thelma Alberts from Germany and Philippines on July 12, 2013: Beautiful photos! Bigleaf magnolia (M. macrophylla), umbrella magnolia (M. tripetala), Fraser magnolia (M. fraseri), and Ashe magnolia (M. ashei) are medium-size trees with huge leaves and large flowers that appear after the leaves unfurl. Thank for the info! It is one of the most widely grown trees in Florida and also one of the most widely cultivated Magnolias in the world. It has a very nice, light scent. On this episode of Garden Home, host P. Allen Smith talks about one of his favorite trees, the Magnolia! John Lindell has written articles for "The Greyhound Review" and various other online publications. The Yellow Trumpet Tree is quite common in the older neighborhood areas in Florida. 15 Magnolia Tree and Bush Varieties. The flora found along Floridaâs trails is unlike anything youâll find elsewhere in ⦠Also known as Japanese magnolia or northern Japanese magnolia, it is most often planted as a specimen tree where early-season flowers are desired. Closeup of a partially opened Susan magnolia bloom. Learning more about magnolia planting and care is a great way to enjoy these trees in your landscape. The leaves and the flowers of Florida's magnolias are large. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. The Star Magnolia has dark Green Leaves with striking grey bark. You have such a gift for writing. To view each magnolia tree photo in full size just click on the magnolia tree image that you like. This trumpet tree grows from 10 to 20 feet high. Enjoy these magnolia tree pictures. I have a tree in my yard which I’ve been told is a type of magnolia. The " fromyouflowers" incessant pop-up makes your site too. The magnolia trees that grow native to Florida are attractive species, often used for ornamental functions. Amazing, to be precise. Dolores Monet from East Coast, United States on April 07, 2014: I love magnolias! across (18 cm), with up to 9-12 broad tepals, reddish-purple at their base fading to pale pink at their tips and white on the inside. Magnolias are so lovely. I loved every word of it. Evergreen Magnolia Tree Varieties. I have just left you some fan mail and become a follower. There are very few left because of 'progress and development'. Types Of Magnolia Trees. The Susan magnolia variety blossoms in shades of fuchsia and bright pink and has a very nice fragrance. Others, such as the southern magnolia, grow throughout the state's northern half. I love how the blooms appear against a deep, blue sky that makes the flowers really stand out. Learn how to grow magnolias in your garden with the RHS expert guide on choosing, planting, feeding, pruning and propagating plants. I looked everywhere trying to find out about a purple flowering bush and thanks to your site I've discovered it was a Magnolia Betty! Several Magnolia stellata chrysanthemumiflora blooms. Some are even tolerant of wet locations. Farm Networks LLC - (786).255.2832 - We Deliver Any ideas? There is such a variety from huge evergreen magnolias, to some of the smaller trees if you don't have room for a giant. waterlily star bloom. Bald cypress hardly need any attention, making them one of the best trees out there for someone who wants a shaded yard without all the pressure of coddling a gorgeous, but needy tree. Lindell worked in greyhound racing for 25 years. Evergreen and cold hardy anywhere in Florida, this magnolia can grow to 40 feet. The tree is adaptive to slightly acidic, rich soils, and sun produces the best flowers. What care do they need? Jane Platt bloom. Florida homeowners can receive a substantial amount of energy savings from the usage of trees. Some of the Florida magnolias are evergreen species, retaining their leaves through the wintertime. No matter where you liveânear a lank, on a river, by the oceanâthis tree is going to thrive. I have two Magnolias. Small, shrubby trees known as the little girl hybrids were created when Magnolia lilliflora was crossed with Magnolia stellata. It does best in a full to part sun location. Southern magnolia, bull bay; Publications 'Jon Jon' Magnolia: A Late-Flowering Deciduous Magnolia for Northern Florida; Magnolia denudata: Yulan Magnolia The Anise Magnolia has leaves that are narrower than most other magnolias. Thank you so much!!!! âBlack Tulipâ (cultivar JURmag1) has globed-shaped flowers ⦠One such type is the southern magnolia, while another is the sweetbay magnolia. Does it grow in a tropical country? Great hub beautifully presented. The showy flowers of the Ashe magnolia can achieve diameters approaching 1 foot. The ivory chalice shown below is a cross between a Magnolia acuminata and a Magnolia denudata. They are very showy and conspicuous, which is why they have won several international flower awards. Will magnolia trees grow in South Florida? A Connecticut native, his work specializes in sports, fishing and nature. The foliage of this tree is evergreen and broad-sized with white fragrant flowers. These small trees or large shrubs are known for their showy displays of large, star-shaped flowers. Many blooms on a Magnolia x loebneri powder puff. Closeup of a Magnolia stellata var. This powder puff magnolia is another short hybrid that would work well in small yards. Closeup of a partially open Magnolia salicifolia anise bloom. The other is a yellow one. A. The Florida magnolias feature vibrant foliage, flowers and fruit, making them excellent choices as specimen plants, shade trees, buffers and screens. I think I've saved the best for last. Large, fragrant, white blossoms are just the beginning of the appeal of a magnolia tree. The yellow poplar, a ⦠Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) is also known as Bull Bay.This Magnolia tree is native to southeastern parts of the United States that run from the coastal areas of Virginia south to central Florida and west to east Texas and Arkansas.